Monday, October 17, 2011

October 6th meeting recap

At this meeting, the Daisies received two new Daisy petals: Spring Green (considerate and caring) and Green petals (use resources wisely). These go on the front of the Daisy smock with Badge Magic, or sewn on (any order is fine, in total there are 10 petals). They also got Fall Hike and Recycle patches, which should go on the back of the smock.

The Golden 19 Patch, which they received earlier, also goes on the back. It can be affixed to the smock, too, but because it will be moved to their Brownie vests, etc., as they advance, some are choosing to secure it only by a safety pin or thread at the LOOP at the top of the circle. Either way is fine!
More information about the Golden 19 patch is available in this blog post.
Going to a Golden 19 trail on a random weekend? Give a shout out to the troop to meet up with some buddies!

The girls also received “Leave No Trace” necklaces that can be worn any way, to any meeting, or left at home — you or your daughter can choose. These necklaces are produced by, and outdoor organization that teaches, “leave the places you enjoy as good or better than you found them.”

At the meeting, Monica’s older daughter Molly led a short nature walk on the conservation trail behind the school (see map, red and black trail). We saw geese, frogs, and filled a plastic bag full of trash. We really cleaned up behind the school!

Conservation Commission map

Myah’s mom, Dawn, covered the Green "using resources wisely" petal with the girls and they learned about their amazing chicken coop.
Annie’s mom, Elaine, covered the Spring Green "considerate and caring" petal with the girls by talking about how we can be good Daisies with others.

Here are some of the ideas your girls came up with about how to practice the petals all on their own:
  • Be a sister to every Daisy (be nice to each other)
  • Be quiet during nature hikes so we can respect wildlife
  • Plant bushes
  • Plant trees because it cleans the air
  • Plant apple trees for people who don't have enough food to eat
  • If we see garbage on the walk we can compost it, recycle it, or throw it away
  • Be the flag holder and door holder
  • Do our kapers/jobs
  • Be nice
  • Include others
  • Pet animals
  • Help your parents and siblings
  • Think of others' feelings

Everybody’s having a great time being a Daisy! As always, if you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

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