Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My sash!

Did you know that 2012 is the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouting?

Becoming a co-leader brings back a lot of memories for me. I was involved in Girl Scouts from about kindergarten through junior high. My mom was a leader when I was a Brownie, and my friends' moms were involved, too.

I learned lots of crafty things like sewing and some knitting, and values and ideas about my potential and power as a girl and as an important member of the community; but I was most interested in the outdoors activities like camping and hiking. I camped at Camp Cedar Hill in Waltham, Mass. as a young scout, and later attended summer camp at Camp Wabasso in Bradford, N.H., in a platform tent -- with a very treasured mosquito net around my cot.

The most unique place I ever camped was my night at the top of the Empire State Building with dozens of Girl Scouts from all over the country. That was quite an adventure, especially for someone who had never been outside New England. I am still amazed that the leaders were able to get us to stop chattering and go to sleep!

Recently, I asked my Mom if she still had my old sash -- and it arrived in the mail today. It had been on a journey to my sister-in-law's house, where my mom sent it thinking my nieces could use it. They were in a different council and couldn't, but I'm sure glad my sister-in-law hung on to it! It's really neat to see it again, and my old round metal canteen (remember those?) and mess kit.

What is your scouting story? Does your family have a tradition in Girl Scouting? Do you have any pictures you can share? Any memories you can share with the blog, and the other girls? If you do, please send them along to me! I'd love to post them here.

I know there will be activities during the next year for the girls to explore the history of the Girl Scouts. I remember learning that there were Girl Scouts (and Girl Guides!) all over the world, and feeling great about being part of the organization. I hope we can impart that sense of community to our daughters, and help them along in their journey toward being strong, happy women.

-- Michelle B.

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