Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Meeting Thursday, September 15th

Hello Daisy Families,

  1. Packed LUNCH
  2. Daisy TUNIC
  3. ORANGE dismissal note that indicates she is going to a Daisy meeting.
For safety reasons, please let us know WHO WILL PICK HER UP. We will remain with the girls until everyone is picked up. Let us know if your daughter needs escorting to Extended Day after the meeting.

Your daughter might want to know that we will pick up the girls at the School Library as they are dismissed  & walk them to the meeting. They will be able to use the restroom and then eat lunch together. 
We are welcoming three new friends to our troop this week: Welcome Annie, Allie and Zotia! We will talk about our daily Girl Scout jobs in the troop. 
During this meeting, the girls will earn their Promise Center and Light Blue petal (stands for "honest and fair").  We'll also play some games, dance, & learn to sing Girl Scout songs.
Please feel free to attend the meeting with your daughter.

Best wishes from
Your Kindergarten Daisy Troop Co-Leaders,
Michelle B. (Blogger & New Members), Monica, Kirsty (Treasurer & New Uniforms), and Michelle S. (Cookie Mom)

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