Friday, September 16, 2011

Meeting Recap, Thursday, September 15th

Great meeting! Kirsty, Michelle B. and I had so much fun with this great group of precious five-year-olds.
Here's what we covered:
  • The promise center (Girl Scout Promise) in the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting.
  • The light-blue petal ("honest and fair") in the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting.
  • The gardening "fun patch." We planted lettuce in a large container in the Kindergarten playground called the Tot Lot. We also planted lettuce for them to take home in small individual containers. We made a watering schedule to tend to the lettuce at school and the girls signed up for dates to water the lettuce. I love how they wrote their own names!

  • We also enjoyed learning about Kapers! This is Girl Scout lingo for "jobs" each girl has during the meeting. They will enjoy cycling through the different Kapers during the year, taking turns. What Kaper did your daughter have? Ask her! 

About the BRAND NEW book called "Daisy: The Girls Guide to Girl Scouting"
Please, don't feel obliged to get this book. However, if you would like me to pickup a copy of "Daisy: The Girls Guide to Girl Scouting" (or GG2GS for short) just let me know. It's an adorable book! This is the only book we'll probably cover in the Kindergarten meetings. 

In first grade they will have likely one to three shorter Journey Books. If they read GG2GS at home before the Kindergarten meetings, they'll feel more "empowered" and "in the know" during the meeting. If they read it after the meetings they can review what we covered. 

If you miss a meeting, you can read it at home with your daughter to earn the petals and badges that way. 

How can we get it?
I can pickup the GG2GS in the Girl Scout Store on Tuesdays and Saturdays -- I'll be nearby. I'll need a check for $16.87 beforehand. (Please send an e-mail to the blog at for directions about getting the book this way.)

Can we see it before we buy it?
Feel free to check out my copy before you buy one! Michelle S. has a copy, too.

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