Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcome to Daisies!

Troop Leaders : Kirsty, Michelle S., Michelle B. and I (Monica) have volunteered to lead the daisy troop this year. We welcome any other parents who would like to join our troop leader team this year or in the future. Feel free to contact any of the leaders with any questions.

Troop Members: We welcome more kindergarten girls to join.

Schedule: We will meet about once a month on Thursdays and a couple of weekends. A bookmark that you can put on your fridge or keep in your wallet will be passed out at the first meeting with our calendar for the year and your volunteer schedule. Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to change your volunteer date. Even at the last minute, sometimes, life gets in the way of the best laid plans. (A copy of the schedule/bookmark is available by e-mailing  us at

Extended Day: Please let us know if your daughter usually attends the Extended Day program. We will escort any Daisies down to extended day after their Daisy Meeting is finished.

What to Bring? On meeting days, please send your daughter to school with 
  • A healthy lunch including reusable containers to reduce trash buildup
  • Her Daisy Tunic
  • An ORANGE dismissal note that indicates she is going to a Daisy meeting 

Parent Volunteers: We will have one or more trained troop leaders at each meeting. Most meetings will have just one fully trained troop leader and one untrained parent helper. Field trips need a third person. Field trips also require someone trained in First Aid/CPR. Are any of you? 

*Note: Feel free to invite others to join the troop. We should all keep safety ratios in mind:
  • We need a fourth parent volunteer per meeting once we have 11 girls when we have a field trip.
  • We need a third parent volunteer per meeting once we have 13 girls when we meet in our usual meeting place.

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